Family Tree DNA

Family Tree DNA

Family Tree DNA Migration Maps

Y-DNA Migration Map - Zuluaga Paternal - Father - Male Ancestry

The migration chart below tracks the Zuluaga paternal ancestry backward in time along a continuous line of fathers to sons via the male Y-DNA tests.
Y-DNA Family Tree Migration Map - Zuluaga Paternal - Father - Male Ancestry

mtDNA Migration Map - Barabicho Maternal - Mother - Female Ancestry

mtDNA Family Tree Migration Map - Barabicho Maternal - Mother - Female Ancestry
The migration chart below tracks the Barabicho maternal ancestry backward in time along a continuous line of mothers to daughters via the female mtDNA tests.

From sharing my mtDNA ( Patrick Zuluaga ) results at I have had DNA matches coming from China. This proves the 'family legend' that the Barabicho's originated from Chinese migrants to the Philippines possibly before or during Span'ish times. The family name Barabicho was created by our Chinese ancestor perhaps to better  assimilate into Spanish-Philippine society as Spanish authorities imposed a selection of prescribed family names on Filipinos. I can only assume that our ancestral mother of Chinese roots married our ancestral Barabicho male as is was culturally the norm to marry within your own ethnicity in those times.

To quote " early Chinese Filipino families took on the complete name of their patriarch, thus their names had three syllables. These were adopted into the mainstream Filipino surnames and don't exist anywhere else in the world. Their names were transcribed using the Spanish orthography in effect during the 19th century ". So today if you are a Barabicho or have a Barabicho in your family tree we are guaranteed to be related.

Regional Ancestry Report for Patrick Zuluaga ( View Latest Regional Ancestry Distribution )

Regional Ancestry Report

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